Purchasing a safe is a big investment and the right advice is very important.  There are two main types of safes to consider:

Cash Safes:

Cash-rated safes are designed and engineered to protect against forced attack.  Cash ratings are based on the safes level of security and are tested by independent authorities and undergo a diverse range of testing to determine how long it would take for an intruder to crack the safe open.  The amount of a cash rating is based on the safe being located in a non-supported environment with no monitored alarm. The cash rating may verify the amount an insurance company will provide if the safe is attacked.

Fire Safes:
Fire-rated safes and fire-rated filing cabinets are tested and rated by independent authorities. The rating level is based on the time a safe or cabinet will endure the impact of a fire or extreme heat. Fire rating levels include 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90  minutes, and 120 minutes. It is important to know there are no such products as Fireproof safes or fireproof cabinets, they are fire-resistant. The greater the fire-rated time period the higher the protection.

There are two types of fire-resistant safes

  1. Paper Fire Resistant Safes & Cabinets are designed and engineered to protect paper documents and files
  2. Data Fire Resistant Safes to protect film, data storage, CD’s and computer media from heat and fire.

Speak with Valentino Safe Co today to get the right advice on a safe for your requirements.